

Current digital hearing instruments process the sound that wearers hear to make speech more understandable. By utilizing “wide dynamic range compression,” modern hearing instruments amplify softer sounds while leaving loud sounds untouched. Although this kind of processing allows hearing-impaired individuals to better understand conversation, it can distort music. Compounding the problem for hearing-impaired music lovers is the fact that recorded music commonly undergoes “compression limiting,” which squeezes louder and softer sounds together in a narrower range, thereby increasing perceived volume. To address this issue, music lovers generally prefer to listen to music that is processed less, not more. With this in mind, hearing-instrument users may create a program in their instruments that is exclusively configured for listening to music.

P.S. Multi-memory hearing instruments give hearing healthcare professionals the flexibility to fit clients with various types and degrees of hearing loss effectively for different listening environments.

EAR & HEARING CLINIC offers the latest in hearing technology with unsurpassed customer service and care to our patients. Our team is committed to providing you and your loved ones with clear and up-to-date solutions. To schedule a hearing assessment, please call our hearing clinic. Do you know someone to whom you would like to offer the gift of hearing? Each year we accept nominations for our Gift of Hearing giveaway. Nominate yourself, a friend, or a loved one for a chance to receive a free pair of hearing aids. “Hear the Sounds of Life.”

Book Your Hearing Health Check Appointment

Book your appointment online, by calling 1-833-669-4425 for more appointment options and availability or by texting 226-220-7982

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