How to clean the ear mold and change the battery BTE
In this how-to guide, the Ear and Hearing Clinic team will show you how to clean the ear mold and change the battery in your Behind-the-Ear (BTE) Hearing Aid. Please call us if you have any questions.
How to change the wax guard and clean your RIC hearing aid
In this how-to guide, the Ear and Hearing Clinic team will show you how to change the wax guard and clean your Receiver in Canal (RIC) Hearing Aid. Please call us if you have any questions.
How to clean Hearing Aids
This video tutorial outlines the steps needed to clean your hearing aids. Maintaining your hearing aids with regular cleanings is one way to reduce device malfunctions. Find out how to clean your Phonak hearing aids by watching this simple video guide (domes and wax guards).